BBC 肖邦 音乐背后的女人Chopin The Women Behind the Music高清下载

    BBC纪录片 纪录片之家 10年前 (2015-08-17) 5961次浏览 0个评论

    BBC 肖邦 音乐背后的女人Chopin The Women Behind the Music高清下载图片
    类型: 纪录片
    制片国家/地区: 英国
    语言: 英语
    片长: 89分钟

    本节目跟随者年轻的钢琴家James Rhodes来到华沙、巴黎和伦敦,探索那些影响了著名作曲家肖邦的女人们。

    Documentary which follows young pianist James Rhodes on a journey to Warsaw, Paris and London to discover the women whose voices had such a powerful influence on the composer Chopin. These included Konstancja, a young soprano and the object of his teenage affections; Delfina, the sexually notorious Polish Parisian emigre countess; fellow composer and opera singer Pauline Viardot; and Swedish opera star Jenny Lind, who so affected Chopin in the final years of his life.


    伊朗羊 2014-05-03

    把肖邦的八卦和艺术结合得非常完美!纪录片通过一个年轻钢琴家对肖邦的艺术生活的探寻为切入点也非常别具一格,视角独特。原来肖邦最后还是拜倒在瑞典女人的石榴裙下啊= =

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